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Recent Events - Mediation Skills training
Last week saw us complete our latest Mediation Skills training course. This course was delivered using a mixture of online and in-person training. The final two days were in person at the Albany Centre in Glasgow. The Albany Centre is home to GCVS and is a venue we have enjoyed using over the years.
New website launched
Following months of preparation, we are delighted to launch our brand-new website. It provides up to date information on our mediation, conflict resolution and restorative skills training courses available. For the first time it provides the ability to book online.
Recent training events: June 2024
Mediation Skills training
June saw Ian and I busy delivering our latest Mediation Skills training course. This Accredited course was held in hybrid format- the first four days being online (Zoom) and the final two days in person at Renfield Centre in Glasgow.
Before the pandemic we only delivered training in person. With the pandemic outbreak we moved 100% to online delivery. Since this time, feedback from participants has suggested, together with our own experience, that some in person elements of training can be useful. As a result, two courses a year of our mediation skills training are delivered in hybrid format – the next is in August 2024
Scottish Community Mediation Network news
In May the latest meeting of the Scottish Community Mediation Network took place. Hosted by Scottish Mediation and supported by the Centre, Network members heard from community mediation and homelessness mediation services around Scotland. Discussions on new initiatives and current trends in mediation took place. The Network provides an opportunity for sharing best practice and service development initiatives with colleagues from across Scotland.
Service Spotlight, July 2024: Aberdeenshire Council Community Mediation Service
Aberdeenshire covers an area of 2,437 sq miles, has 19 main towns and has a population of around 262,690. Aberdeenshire Council have 13,000 council properties spread throughout the area, in towns, villages and remote rural areas.
Aberdeenshire Council have always been very proactive in their use of mediation to resolve neighbour disputes, and an outside organisation provided this for them for many years. However, in 2018 it was decided that an in-house service would be more cost effective, so they employed their first full-time mediator and along with service development implemented policies and procedures while adhering to mediation principles.